The body-binding clutches of ‘heroin chic’

Heroin chic is one of the many body trends in the fashion industry that have been regulating how women view their bodies. Affecting women across all age groups, these trends are known to influence teenagers the most, who are still learning to accept the drastic changes that puberty brings with it. In such a state, […]
Colourism has got to go!

My battle with my skin tone first began when I was 12 years old. My mother, meaning well and thinking she was doing me a favour, bought me some fairness cream. What this echoed in my mind, however, was ‘YOU’RE UGLY! Your own mother thinks so!’ And it only amplified from there through my teen […]
When body shaming and body positivity fight it out

“Men don’t like just skin and bones.” “If you can’t fit into that dress, it means you have a lot of weight-watching to do.” “Are you really going for a second helping?” Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard any of the above comments. This kind of snarky attitude and discrimination based on size, weight, […]